Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Once in my LIFE...

I thought I was too small..and people can just push me around..
I didn't know how to appreciate things.. I always complain..
I laughed at somebody else's mistake.. So immature!
I made wrong decisions.. and I suffered the consequences...
I cried... hard.. very hard..
I was hurt... but time healed my wounded heart..
I was alone.. I was with nobody.. Got no friends around..
I didn't listen.. and it didn't give me any good..
I was touched by an angel.. and I touched someone's life.. hmmm.. I am an angel then!
I walked fast.. Trying to escape.. Trying to rush things up!
I regret the stupid things i've done.. and i regret not doin' the things I should've done...
I felt so weak.. and didn't have the strength to get up..
I was fooled and I fooled somebody.. Let's call it quits..
I stumbled... but I regained my strength.. and stood up tall..
I longed for understanding, acceptance, approval and love..
I dreamed big... and am slowly turning them to reality..
I was a little girl.. innocent.. I was a nobody..
I was a victim of crab mentality.. people didn't like me to succeed.. but I worked hard!
I hated some people.. and I even hated myself..
I was underestimated.. I almost lost my confidence.. but I proved them wrong.. oh.. so-so wrong..
I was betrayed by people I trusted the most.. Damn it!
I was a questioned by others... But I stood up to what I know was right..
I needed somebody... to comfort me.. to understand me.. to accept me.. to believe in me.. to take care of me.. to love me..
Then my MAN came.. That's my BIG DADDY! He's my all!
I believed in miracle.. I always believe that miracles happen...
Then I got my LiL Kiddo.. He is the greatest miracle in my life...I miss being a child.. But I become one whenever I look at my LiL Kiddo's eyes..

I want to live free from pains, free from heartaches.. free from pressures, free from other people's judgement.. free from troubles.. BUT... wait a sec... these added flavour to my life.. These things made me stronger... These things made me to work harder! to value life..

We encounter things we don't like.. things that make our lives more difficult and complicated.. But just hang on.. and believe that these are just one of the things that happen ONCE in our LIVES.. No REPEAT...
Despite of all these... LIFE is BEAUTIFUL!

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