Wednesday, January 31, 2007

I am NOT..

After getting paranoid.. I already know that I am not really pregnant.. I have my period just today.. so this ended all my questions..

LiL' Kiddo is not yet a big bro..I think this just gives me more opportunity to spend more quality time with my LiL' Kiddo.. He is growing up fast and we don't know, he would probably have a LiL' sister/bro soon.. So, while he is still the only angel in the house, I would like to savor that moment..

Big Daddy and zhashaproudmomma should talk about family planning.. When do we want to have our 2nd child? Can we manage our finances once that great experience kicks in? Can we manage our time both for work and family?? How should we raise 'em??


I would also need to consult our OB-GYNE for safe contraceptive options and pap-smear..

We all need to be healthy!

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