Thursday, January 11, 2007

It's been a while..

Oh wow! It's been quite some time since I posted my last entry..Wheeee! Time indeed ticked so fast.. I mean really really fast.. Gosh! We're almost halfway over January 2007.. What have I accomplished so far??? What were my experiences the first half of January '07?? You??? what have you accomplished so far??

Here's my list...
> Started the year with a prayer.. That the Lord will bless me, my family, loved ones and friends..
> Spent the first week with my family.. (I was still on vacation leave!!)
> Got back to work January 4th..
> Submitted all documents/reports required in the office..
> Li'l kiddo was brought to the hospital due to severe cough and colds..
> Li'l kiddo was under medication for 2 weeks.. Waaaahhhh!! Poor li'l boy.. )+;
> Big Daddy's schedule makes me crazy!
> Arranged our room... It was really a mess! Clothes are everywhere! It made me feel so stressed! whew!

These are just couple of things I've done and experienced so far.. I am lookin' forward to more stuff the coming days.. weeks.. months..

I'll be more enthusiastic in creating my entries here in the blog.. also, i'll take time to learn new stuff here.. like interacting with other bloggers.. joinin' a group..(groups for moms, young professionals.. etc..) things like that.. hope somebody out there can help me out.. Thanks in advance!

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