Saturday, March 17, 2007

A.. B.. C..

I must admit, I've been very lazy and ill the past few days and never got the chance to read your blogs.. Am sorry.. No worries.. am catching up on my readings and placing comments.. As I was browsing to my Fav Blogs, I got to read judy's blog and I love the ABC meme and stole if from her then.. Hope you take time to read it.. I think its one great way to know my bloggers friends better.. so, come on.. let's play!

A - Age: super young mom.. 26!

B - Band listening to right now: The Corrs.. I think they are a band.. aren't they??

C - Career future: a super MOM and a good Cook

D - Dad's name: Ephraim

E - Easiest person to talk to: Nina- my bestfriend

F - Favorite song: a lot! but my all time favorite is When I see you smile by Brian Mcknight

G - Gummy Bears or Gummy Worms: Gummy worms!

H - Hometown: Downsouth ParaƱaque, Manila

I - Instruments: I used to play the flute and banduria (its the lil guitar)

J - Job: Team Manager, Mommy, Wife and Daughter to my parents

K - Kids: One LiL kiddo

L - Longest car ride ever: Once, I was goin' back to Manila from Bataan (a province
here in our conutry) when we got stranded because of a heavy typhoon..

M - Mom's name: Patria

N - Number of people you slept with: yesterday.. in my left was my kiddo and in my right was Big Daddy..

P - Phobia[s]: Rats! Eoooowwww!

Q - Quote: "Those who underestimate others.. Overestimate themselves!" Agree?!@

R - Reason to smile: My kiddo!

S - Song you sang last: "Smiling Face.." Whenever I see your smiling face, I have to smile myself.. because I love you.. Yes I do.. and when you give me that pretty 'lil pout it turns me inside out, there's somethin' about you baby.. I don't know....

T - Time you wake up: 7:00pm. -- i report during the night.. argh!

U - Unknown fact about me: I have fosterparents who are germans and when I was a lil girl they wanted to process adoption but my parents didn't approve it..

V - Vegetable you hate: I love veggies!

W - Worst habit: Setting alarm but not really waking up! what's the use then? hahaha!

X - X-rays you've had: it was just for our annual check up..

Y - Yummy food: mojo potatoes and cheesy macaroni!

Z - Zodiac sign: Libra

_ I just notice.. O is missing right?! harharhar!

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