Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Keep my BOYS Healthy...

I woke up around 7:30am.. (pretty early).. Whew! Realizing that it is the start of the week.. got no Nanny.. have to take care of my LiL' Kiddo.. Big Daddy has an appointment.. and the house chores are all mine..! waaah! Challenging! Isn't it?
First, I prepared breakfast.. My LiL Kiddo and I walked around the neighborhood to buy some goodies to feed our hungry stomachs..ooopps.. That was a long walk!But as we got home, Big Daddy and LiL' Kiddo liked the food that I bought.. (hope I'll learn how to cook soon.. )

Big Daddy and I planned on sending LiL Kiddo to Grannies place (my mom and dad's house) MIL already got back to work and probably would be so tired if we'll have her take care LiL Kiddo.. Alryt.. so I packed.. whew!
It was past 4pm when we arrived at my mom and dad's place..
Big Daddy has been complaining headache since morning.. But i just ignored it.. Damn!

Way past 6pm.. As I was trying to get a nap since I'd be working late at night, Big Daddy woke me up complaining headache and numbness of his right arm..
My heart was beating so fast... as in really really fast.. This was the first time that Big Daddy complained of having numbness on his right arm... My dad drove us to a nearby hospital to have Big Daddy checked! The doctor checked him.. Poor BIg Daddy, blood pressure was high.. The nurse gave him a little medicine and placed it under his tongue..

Oh Gosh! This really made me so so afraid.. I thought he was experiencing something really serious.. Oh LORD spare him from that!!! Thank God Big Daddy's Blood Pressure stabilized at the normal level after the dose of medicine..
I just thought... Seein' my Big Daddy and LiL Kiddo lyin' in a hospital bed would surely bring me to pain and fear.. This just reminds me of praying to God to keep my boys healthy...
With our so busy days.. we tend to forget to thank the Lord for the blessings that he is showering us.. But whenever we are in need.. That's when we realize that HE is just right beside us.. Waiting..( human nature...)

Forgive me Lord.. and thanks for keeping my family healthy..

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